Jesus is a God just as satan is a god. Jesus is just not GOD ALMIGHTY (Jehovah God)
In that sense he is fully God and was fully a man when he came down to earth.
When I look at it like that I can understand the foundation of the trinity. Wheras, the Father, the Son , and the Holy spirit are one because they all work in harmony together and you can only reach GOD ALMIGHTY thru the son.
Jesus left his heavenly position as a God to come and be the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus sits at the right hand of GOD ALMIGHTY.
GOD AMIGHTY loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son.
GOD ALMIGHTY sent a helper the Holy spirit.
ALL in harmony with each other.
In the Old Testament (when Jehovah dealt with mankind) Jehovah was the savior, but in the New Testament Christ; under the new covenant is the savior (as Jehovah no longer deals with humans). We must go through Christ for salvation; hence, the necessary partaking of the communion.
When I look at it from that point of view it all makes sense to me. It might not work that way for others, but this is how I'm comfortable understanding it.